Ticos really like to RELAX...
I always knew this was true, but it wasn't until I discovered the following that I realized how deeply seeded the slacker culture is here in Costa Rica. My Tico family has this posted on the wall in their house. So without further ado, here is the ultimate profession of the Tico love for relaxation, or shall we say, huh-hum, laziness:
Los 10 Dichos del Tico Vago: The 10 Sayings of the Lazy Tico
1. Se nace cansado y se vive solo para descansar: I was born tired and live only to rest.
2. Ama a tu casa como a ti mismo: Love your house as you love yourself.
3. Si ves a alguien descansando AYUDALO!: If you see someone relaxing, help them out!
4. Descansa de dia para que puedas dormir tranquilo de noche: Rest during the day so that you can sleep soundly at night.
5. El trabajo es sagrado, ¡no lo toques!: Work is sacred, don't touch it!
6. Aquello que puedas hacer mañana no lo hagas hoy: That which you can do tomorrow, don't do today.
7. Trabaja lo menos posible - lo que tengas que hacer, que lo haga otro: Work as little as possible - whatever you have to do, just do something else.
8. Calmate, que nunca nadie murio por descansar: Calm down, no one ever died from relaxing.
9. Cuando sientas el deseo de trabajar, acuestate y espera hasta que se pase: When you feel the desire to work, sit down and wait until it passes.
10. Si el trabajo es salud; que trabajen los enfermos: If work is healthy, then let the sick work.
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